Ms. Wang Yahan (2013-2014)

Location: Chongqing


Year of Foundation: 2006.06


Beneficiary: mobile young people in cities and children in rural areas


Main Activities: provide courses to improve comprehensive development of mobile young people and children

Chongqing Green Leaf Volunteer Association focuses on the advocacy of volunteerism and the help of youth who endure financial or life difficulties. From a humble beginning, it has developed to one of the most influential charities in Chongqing in the area of social working, with close ties with the local governments, NPOs and media alike. It provides courses to improve comprehensive development of mobile young people and children so that they could dig their own potential and get equal opportunityto develop. By providing courses to girls aged 16-22, they help them to be more aware of self protection and money arrangement. As a result, they help them to develop active values.

Miss Wang serves as programme officer in Chongqing Green Leaf Volunteer Association. Shejoined the association in 2009 after graduation from college. Started as an intern, she has grown to be one of the core members of the team, in charge ofthe programme that helps underprivileged youth in the city suburbs. She’s in charge of two programmes, helping teenage girls of migrant worker backgroundand quasi-homeless younger boys respectively. These programmes, sponsored by Right to Play and Standard Chartered Banks, aim at boosting confidence,teaching skills and realising potentials for the youngsters aging between 16and 22. Miss Wang is managing valuable projects to teach invaluable skills tailored to the needs of the second generation of migrant workers, teaching them a range of practical skills from managing money to dealing with love and sex. Every one she served has given her inspiration and a sense of fulfilment.Social work has become part of her life and given her a sense of justice.